Esteban Rodriguez and Rafael Paguaga
Throughout Latin American, christian men are eagerly searching for a way to share the gospel with their fellow friends and neighbors. They wish to become preachers, and they want more training to be able to serve God to the best of their abilities.
Thankfully, LAM provides Native Preacher Training at the Bible School of the Americas (BSAM). BSAM is located in Panama City, Panama near the Tocumen International Airport. Our staff and campus has the capacity to train dozens of men each year. These men need your help with scholarships to become preachers.
After graduation, the students then return to their home countries to nurture and guide newly established congregations. Native Preacher Support is vital to helping these men and churches survive.
Our Mobile Medical Missions help relieve the physical ailments of thousands. However, we don’t stop there. During our campaigns every person who visits our clinic is given the opportunity to study God's Word. Many souls are baptized into Christ and new congregations are established every year.
The same is true with the Evangelistic Campaigns where emphasis is placed on areas where the church is weak or non-existent. Our YES II campaign focus on helping youth groups learn how to share the Word of God with everyone they meet.
Sign up for one of our campaigns today because the experience will touch your heart and change your life forever!
Benevolence outreaches are always present but definitely become more significant during times of disaster. Our strategy is to provide familiar food items–rice, beans, flour, oil–and allow the local church to distribute them. This way, contacts are made and the local church is lifted up in the community.